I am a fourth year law student from Chulalongkorn University
born and raised in Thailand
I got my first camera in 2013 and photography has been my hobby ever since
I still consider myself a
I have a deep love for nature and photography 
I love walking and capturing the essence of breathtaking landscapes and wildlife with my old cameras
(my two lovely uncles, canon 100d & 6d mark ii)
Photographing always brings me joy and allows me to show emotions I experience in nature
I also believe that embracing nature and preserving its wonders is not only crucial for our planet but also essential for our well-being.

Much of what I do involves collecting physical data (mostly photos) about living beings or the environment
If there is a government agency or organization that needs that information, I'll send it to them
my most recent project was collecting data on Bryde's whales in the upper Gulf of Thailand.

I'm currently studying environmental law
(which is not only the 1992 Environment Act most Thai people don't know that we have a lot of laws that relate to the environment (but how much it will actually be used, that is another point)
I'm still working on the process of collecting and reviewing information on various laws so please wait for the next article!​​​​​​​

Through my studies and artistic enthusiasm,
I aim to make a positive impact 
and raise awareness about
the importance of conservation​​​​​​​​​​​​​​